Rick Vasquez
Pastor |
Rev. Rick Vasquez is the Pastor of Skyview Presbyterian Church of Centennial, Colorado, where he has served since May, 1998. He was converted to Christ in his sophomore year in college. He earned his baccalaureate degree from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, his Master’s degree from Biola University in La Mirada, California, and his Master of Divinity from Westminster Seminary California in Escondido, California. He is currently working to earn his doctorate through New Geneva Seminary in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Rev. Vasquez's personal goal is to stand in the tradition of the great teachers of the past, John Calvin, Martin Luther, Jonathan Edwards, who made it their quest to find "joy in God" by coming to a full appreciation of the gift of God's grace in spiritual adoption, wholly by the grace of God in and through Jesus Christ. Rev. Vasquez has realized, that joy is an apostolic criteria for Paul's ministry, 2Cor 2:14, Phil 1:25. Joy is the Christian's power and motivation, of which Jesus spoke, John 15:11 and 16:24. Moses prayed for joy, Psalm 90:14. And David saw joy to be the goal for the believer, Psalm 16:10, 37:4 and evidence of Christian maturity, Psalm 27:4. As Rev. Rick has said, "In order to seek and find "joy in God," many other Christian beliefs, practices, and disciplines have to be in place. Joy in God is easily injured and very challenging to attain. Skyview Presbyterian Church is on a quest for "Joy in God." Rev. Vasquez is married to Kathleen and has eight children, Victoria, Jeremy, Monica, Jason, Caleb, Leo, Lydia and Elliot. |
Arie J. Van Weelden
Assistant Pastor of Families and Youth |
Born and raised in Wisconsin, Arie had the privilege of also growing up in a PCA church. He continued to grow in his faith and Reformed convictions while studying at Huntington University, where he earned his BS in Youth Ministry. Arie then attended Westminster Seminary California, where he earned his Master of Divinity and where he met his beautiful wife, Mary.
Arie came to Skyview in July 2024 and is delighted to be here. He looks forward to getting to know, love, and serve everyone at Skyview. Arie has a passion for preaching, discipleship, and counseling, and makes it his aim to treat others with kindness in light of God's kindness to us. When not working or spending time with his family, Arie loves reading biographies, watching films and sports, and writing. Arie and Mary have been blessed with their daughter, Rosalie. |
Gi Huh
Administrative Assistant |
Kim Mesa
Director of Children's Ministries |
Karin Schamberger
Accountant |
Brett Jenkins
Elder |
John Melkonian
Elder |
Timothy Baldridge
Elder |
To Contact Skyview Deacons: [email protected]